Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I got way too excited when I heard that a SC2 launch party is going to be hosted at Harvey Mudd College on the 26th. And then I took my giddiness to whole new levels of ridiculous when, after some persuasion from J, I sent a Facebook message to the host, who happens to be a top American player, inquiring about logistics and received a response in which he not only answered my questions but also insisted that he has met me in real life before because he recognized my name and face. This was quite plausible because a) I was attending another one of the Claremont Colleges while he was still there and b) I was not into the SC pro-gaming scene so I could have met him and forgotten about him, ignorant as I was at the time. So anyway, he sent me a friend request, which I happily confirmed before proceeding to bask in the dizzying afterglow of my fanaticism.

Exhibit A shows what I DON'T look like even while in fangirl mode.

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