Thursday, July 8, 2010


Waiting to get picked up to go gay clubbing at Rage!


Major events of the night:
  • Carrot Top drove up and stopped to get cash from the ATM in the parking lot. We took pictures with him. Crazy!
  • Ran into Steven without intending to meet up and started dancing with him. "My friends think you're hitting on me." "Oh PLEASE!" hahaha What a great coincidence!
  • Big black tranny crept up next to our circle and STOLE my friend's bag, accused us of stealing his/her ID after said friend went through tranny's purse, and the tranny left the club in a huff but met up with friends outside the entrance. NOT FUCKING COOL. We didn't see him/her take it, but s/he totally did.

That's the last time we're going to Rage for a while.

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