Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Yesterday was absolutely amazing for two reasons:

After we left the theater, I kept telling J, "My mind is blown." The movie kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time, though it really wasn't as confusing as people made it seem. I feel like the term is becoming interchangeable with "making you think a little even after the movie's over." That's not to say I didn't miss out on a few details myself, but that's the kind of richness that made watching it a satisfying 2.5 hours of my life. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing it again. Probably not in theaters though, since a ticket goes for about the price of a kidney these days.

Day[9]'s SC2 Launch Party
Twelve hours of board games, console games, SC1 LAN, live-casting, and being surrounded by enthusiastic SC fans. The voice actors for Jim Raynor and Tychus Findlay were there too, which was an exciting surprise. Even better when we introduced ourselves and stepped up to take a picture with them, and Jim Raynor's actor jokingly said, "If only I had met you before Kerrigan." XD We got to say hello to Sean, meet QXC, and play some matches in the LAN room. Unfortunately, J and I only stayed for nine hours (what else would we have done with that time?) before my poor, overstimulated brain started giving out on me.


Spending fun-filled weekends with J gives me such a high. But now that he's back in SD, I can't help feeling a little empty. It's more than just about missing him though. Now that he's gone, I have no choice but to return to reality, and honestly reality's been on the boring side lately. He's kind of like my drug. I think moving in together would solve this, but I have a few hurdles to jump before that can happen. Like finding work in SoCal.

My copy of SC2 is currently in Santa Fe Springs, CA! Hurry up and get here already!

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