Monday, June 28, 2010

weekend getaway

San Diego is such a beautiful city. I absolutely can't get enough of it, and I haven't even seen all there is to see there! Clearly, that just means I have to go back more often.

A piece of a "scenic route" on which J drove me

At the Coronado Hotel beach

Anyway, I was down there this weekend visiting J and it was pretty fun for the most part. I say "for the most part" because I'm never completely at ease when I see his parents. lol I always feel like his mom is judging my potential as a future housewife, but I might just be really paranoid. Yeeeah, paranoid.

We were planning on clubbing Saturday night after eating over at his friend's place, but three lemonade Smirnoffs and a game of Settlers (Cities and Knights expansion) later, I was leaning more toward a low-key evening. Conveniently, J lives really close to the beach so we headed over there at 11pm, put down some towels in the sand, and enjoyed the setting. I think people must've been out grunion hunting or something because it was rather crowded considering the beach was supposedly closed. Cuddled up with each other, laughing and chatting under the stars, watching the waves wash up with barely a breeze was quite romantic :) Drove up to Mt. Soledad afterward and watched the city lights flicker in the distance. Then we decided to go because a creepy pickup truck made its way into the lot and turned off its headlights before stopping. lol What a way to end the night.

La Jolla Beach

Another atop Mt. Soledad

Shout out to my bff for letting me stay at her place for the weekend!


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