Wednesday, June 30, 2010

thought of the day

An uncomfortable thought hit me while I was showering today. I have this nasty habit of mentioning exes (usually for the sake of telling a story) in both light and serious conversation. And I wonder if it actually does bother J sometimes, even though he insists that it doesn't, because he doesn't want to be one of those controlling, overly jealous boyfriends that I once had the *pleasure* of dating. He would never say anything unless my jabbering became problematic enough that it exceeds his ridiculously high BS-tolerance threshold. Goodness forbid that should ever happen.

I could very well be reading into it too much since my brain doesn't have much to focus on these days, but I don't think it hurts to be cognizant of these things...


All caps can either be really funny or really obnoxious. Right now it is fucking hilarious!

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