Tuesday, June 8, 2010

catch up

Today I got to see a couple of my lovely girlfriends and we caught up over boba at this place called AU79. The service was pretty slow but we kept ourselves occupied with chit chat and the Lakers v. Celtics game while we waited for our drinks. It was really fun hanging out with them and it made me realize how much everyone's grown over the past 4 years. And it kind of begs the question of whether I've matured as much as they have. I'd like to think so :)

In other news, I discovered that there's pink boba. I have no idea what makes it different from regular boba besides its color (yes, it's actually pink!), but according to Irene it seems chewier than the normal black pearls. Huh.

Oh yeah, I don't know if it was just me, but whoever made my drink gave me, like, a lifetime's worth of boba. Even after I drank all the milk tea, a third of the cup was still filled with tapioca. I would've felt a lot better about this if they hadn't run out of the mini boba that I originally wanted.

Maybe it's just my residual fondness for smaller bits of food from the days when I had braces, but I seem to get more satisfaction out of eating things when they're...fun-sized :P

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