Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the butterfly effect

My sadistic mother, entirely ignoring my 12pm rule, woke me up this morning and, a little more loudly than I would've liked, declared that we should visit the LA County Natural History Museum to see their Pavilion of Wings exhibit. Since I have an irrational fear of butterflies, walking into a small enclosed space with tons of them flying around did not sit well with me. Especially when my impulses were telling me to swat them away once they started hovering too close, but I restrained myself as best I could so as not to incite the wrath of all the butterfly-watchers there and get kicked out of the tent.

Actually, I think this one might be a moth.

I know, being afraid of butterflies is really lame. But I'm afraid of all bugs in general, particularly ones that can fly and/or buzz, almost to the point where it's crippling. Clusters of spheres also freak me out. I'm not saying any of it makes sense.

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