Saturday, September 11, 2010


After a week and a half of nearly nonstop madness, I finally have some time to myself to take care of things that I've been catching up on episodes of Naruto, reading the latest chapter of the manga, playing some SC2 now that my brother is finally home with his gaming-capable laptop, and of course, blogging. I turned down an evening of watching movies with Leigh and Elise so I could do these things, and I'd feel guiltier about it if I wasn't going to spend literally all day with them tomorrow. That didn't prevent Leigh from getting upset with me though, but I don't think she understands how many little projects I have going on and just how hard it's been for me to keep up. When I said that I signed away the next two months of my life, I really meant it. On top of doing overtime at work, I also need to keep up with my internship duties which don't end until late October. I'm just counting down the days until then, while wondering how close my friends will come to disowning me because I've suddenly disappeared from the radar.

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