Monday, September 6, 2010

when shit hits the fan

I get blamed for not thinking about a, b and c, but that's because I'm busy thinking about x, y and z. I only want some understanding. I don't even care for sympathy. I don't think I deserve this kind of treatment but fighting back doesn't really get me anywhere. So what do I do then?

It's a good thing J came to visit this weekend. In light of recent events, my energy level has been low compared to what it normally is when he visits, but I think he was pretty tired too from all the traveling he's been doing so it worked out okay. Because we lacked privacy at my house, we went to great lengths throughout the day to find a dark and secluded area to indulge in some nighttime activities. We finally found a place near home after dinner with some friends. But between worrying about getting seen by passersby, having to duck out of sight every time lights came on, trying to see where everything was in the dark, working in a very tight space, and fighting an ever-growing need to pee after a liquid-heavy meal, I couldn't do it anymore and we threw in the towel. One of us really needs to find our own place so we can put an end to these risky behaviors born out of desperation. Still, it was fun :P

In any case, he gave me a welcome escape from the craziness that has been this past week, but as always I'm forced to face reality again upon his departure.

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