Monday, September 20, 2010

where did life go?

As grateful as I am to be employed right now, I also kind of miss having a life. I live for the weekends more than ever now, especially since I've been working Monday through Saturday. That leaves Sunday as my recovery day, but all I can bring myself to do is catch up on episodes of Naruto and read naughty fanfics. Sadly, even that has to be spread out over the course of two or three days since I only have a couple hours to myself every night.

I grabbed frozen yogurt with Leigh and Elise yesterday, and they relentlessly made fun of me after I revealed my latest dream in which The Dork propositioned me despite both of us seeing other people. Not exactly sure what my subconscious was trying to tell me there. I think the bitter part of me just dreamed it up to feel superior to his current girlfriend. Don't ask me how they're still relevant because I didn't think they were either.

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