Sunday, September 25, 2011


As if controlling every little step we take within the realm of work isn't already enough, Boss felt it was time to give me another push in the "right" direction during one of our meetings last week. What was the problem? My note-taking. Specifically, the lack of contrast between the important and less important instructions.

After Boss finished complaining that it was beyond understanding why we were given all the tools (e.g., highlighters, multicolored pens, sticky tabs, permission to breathe) to help us be efficient workers but don't use them, I explained that I have my own system that works for me (which doesn't include color-coding at every juncture, you twat).

But of course it was futile. I was told that while Boss respected the fact that I had my own system, Boss was merely trying to offer ways to improve it as it "may not be the best," adding that Boss was an efficient student back in the day so Boss must've been doing it right.

Never mind the condescension that was palpable in Boss's tone. Never mind that I could've rewritten my notes twice and finished all the tasks I was just given in the time it took for Boss to deliver this self-serving soliloquy. Next thing I knew, Boss was sitting there and staring at me expectantly. With little will left to endure another lecture provoked by dissension, I slowly uncapped my highlighter and grudgingly dotted the page with the tiniest of marks. And Boss looked on in smug satisfaction. Ugh.

A few days later, while I was jotting down another set of instructions, Boss brought up that I should be sent to a class to learn the "best" way to take notes.

Because we're all automatons that operate the same way, yes?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

i hate salespeople

"See Scarlet, now that you worked on this [assignment], you will know what people are looking for [in an employee]."

Boss's attempts to "sell" my job to me is nothing new. In addition to comments like the above which allude to all the useful knowledge I'm gaining in this position, I am also constantly reminded how:
  • grad schools are looking for people with 2-3 solid years of work experience ("You have to get through me first."),
  • I'm so lucky to have a "mentor" like Boss because other managers wouldn't bother taking the time to explain tasks in such (excruciatingly long-winded and emotionally-charged) detail, and
  • I'm getting such a bargain because at least I have a job AND I'm getting paid to learn while I'm at it.
But let's stop and consider for a moment. If you actually feel the need to convince me I have a great job, chances are it's probably not all that great...because if the product you're offering is as good as you say it is, shouldn't the quality speak for itself?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

emotions in the workplace

“Emotions and emotion management are a prominent feature of organizational life. It is crucial “to create a publicly observable and desirable emotional display as a part of a job role.” [6]


“Stress is the problem of each person feeling it. [Negative emotions] can be caused by “poor leadership, lack of guidance, lack of support and backup.


Showing stress reveals weakness, therefore, employees suppress their negative emotions at work and home.


Marital and Family- Spouses and children can feel the crossover effects of burnout brought home from the workplace. Depleted levels of energy which effect home management is another consequence. Organizational- Negative feelings at work effect “employee moral, turnover rate, commitment to the organization”.[28]


“Professional women who express anger may experience a decrease rather than an increase in their status. Women are expected to be kinder and more modest than men, and they evoke negative responses from other people if they fail to conform to this prescriptive stereotype”.[30]


Full Wikipedia article here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

emotional tyranny

Emotional Tyranny is a phrase first used by Dr. Vincent Waldron, professor of Communication Studies at Arizona State University, to describe the use of emotion by powerful organizational members in a manner that is perceived to be destructive, controlling, unjust, and even cruel.[1]


That is, organizational relationships are unique to others, and the work place provides an interesting context in which we can experience emotions.


Nonverbally, emotional tyranny is practiced through the intensity, duration, and intermittence of emotional displays. For example, "an emotionally-abusive boss may express emotions at great volume, for unusually long periods of time, in unpredictable bursts and ever-changing hues."[6]

Emotional language is used to suggest perceived shortcomings in the moral character of workers or to “motivate desired behavioral responses." Benign or otherwise positive language in other contexts are now used to harm. In his research, Waldron found workers have been described as “too eager and excited,” “shameless,” “emotionally undercarbonated” , “grumpy,” “wimpy,” “fearless,” “lacking personal pride,” “explosive,” and as having a “chip on her shoulder.”[7]

Tactics. Powerful people design communication that elicits or changes emotional responses (false concern or faking, vanquishing emotions from work, emotional blackmail).


Emotional tyranny, like workplace bullying, has potentially devastating effects. "Fear, frustration, and rage, often appear in narratives about supervisory abuses of power. Hopeless despair or burning indignation may be the emotional reaction to repeated and persistent misuses of power."[4] What's worse, Waldron argues that when emotional manipulation is the norm, relationships with powerful others become less authentic, more guarded, ethically compromised, and anxiety ridden. Waldron contends that powerful people should feel more responsibility to engage in responsible emotional behavior.

...yes, it was absolutely necessary to quote nearly the entire Wikipedia article.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Very fine frown lines,

I suddenly noticed them,

Etches on my face


Time to stock up on the best smoothing serums and anti-wrinkle creams that money can buy.
