Saturday, September 24, 2011

i hate salespeople

"See Scarlet, now that you worked on this [assignment], you will know what people are looking for [in an employee]."

Boss's attempts to "sell" my job to me is nothing new. In addition to comments like the above which allude to all the useful knowledge I'm gaining in this position, I am also constantly reminded how:
  • grad schools are looking for people with 2-3 solid years of work experience ("You have to get through me first."),
  • I'm so lucky to have a "mentor" like Boss because other managers wouldn't bother taking the time to explain tasks in such (excruciatingly long-winded and emotionally-charged) detail, and
  • I'm getting such a bargain because at least I have a job AND I'm getting paid to learn while I'm at it.
But let's stop and consider for a moment. If you actually feel the need to convince me I have a great job, chances are it's probably not all that great...because if the product you're offering is as good as you say it is, shouldn't the quality speak for itself?

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