Wednesday, September 21, 2011

emotions in the workplace

“Emotions and emotion management are a prominent feature of organizational life. It is crucial “to create a publicly observable and desirable emotional display as a part of a job role.” [6]


“Stress is the problem of each person feeling it. [Negative emotions] can be caused by “poor leadership, lack of guidance, lack of support and backup.


Showing stress reveals weakness, therefore, employees suppress their negative emotions at work and home.


Marital and Family- Spouses and children can feel the crossover effects of burnout brought home from the workplace. Depleted levels of energy which effect home management is another consequence. Organizational- Negative feelings at work effect “employee moral, turnover rate, commitment to the organization”.[28]


“Professional women who express anger may experience a decrease rather than an increase in their status. Women are expected to be kinder and more modest than men, and they evoke negative responses from other people if they fail to conform to this prescriptive stereotype”.[30]


Full Wikipedia article here.

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