After waiting for what seemed like forever when it has only been less than a year, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 finally came out last night and of course I caught the midnight showing. After another epic two hours, my childhood was officially over.
Quite a few details were changed, including some of my favorite parts from the book, so I wasn't entirely pleased with that. But that's just the picky fangirl in me speaking and the changes didn't affect the quality of the movie, which turned out to be pretty good overall, so I'd say it was $15 well-spent. (We decided to forgo 5+ hours of waiting in line and paid a little more for tickets with assigned seating. A wise decision, I think.) The pacing was good and, staying consistent with the book, there was plenty of action at every turn. I can't say any more without getting into spoilers, so just go watch it if you haven't already!
I also found out that the glasses for the 3D version were fashioned after Harry's round frames. Ahh, I should've swiped a pair!
oh i would like to go to disney's california !