Friday, December 10, 2010

panic room


Boss had a talk with me today. Asked what my future plans were, i.e. whether I'd decided to stay with the company. Uh, that would be an emphatic NO. But it would have been a display of the utmost imprudence to say this to Boss, of course. You have to be tactful when dealing with these situations, even when it's all you can do to keep yourself from spitting in your employer's face and skipping away gleefully. (For the record, I would never do such a thing :D)

Anyway, I ended up telling the truth, albeit not the whole truth. Which ended up sounding very vague because of the details I left out and, sensing these weaknesses, Boss pounced.

Boss felt it necessary to raise the following questions as a result of my seeming uncertainty:
  • Can I afford graduate school?
  • Would I go to school full-time or part-time?
  • Where am I hoping to go with my current degree?
  • Am I going back for a "career" degree? What will it help me accomplish?
  • Am I going to law school? Why do I want to limit myself to law in the field I studied? (Uh, because it's MY interest? Does it look like I give a flying fuck what YOU want me to study, Boss?)
All this under the pretense that we were speaking as friends and I could voice my thoughts frankly. Mmhmm. The unease evoked by this line of questioning not only stemmed from the fact that I never thought of Boss as my friend at all, but it's also because I see no kindness or generosity in the things that Boss says or does. There's always an ulterior motive, despite what Boss may want people to believe. Our entire conversation screamed manipulative intent.

At this point, I don't really care how certain my plans are. I just know I need to get out soon. The high turnover rate of staff has been entirely due to Boss, but Boss appears to have remained oblivious to this.

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