Life has been supremely boring lately and while I do enjoy a bout of smooth sailing, I think it's high time I get back on the crazy train. Problem is, I never want to do anything when it's raining and it's rained for like, three-quarters of December.
So my newly acquired indoor hobby is perusing Reddit...more specifically, the pages of a subreddit on seduction and my oh my, is it fascinating. It never occurred to me that men would look at the game of seduction so methodically. Now, is it silly to wonder whether there's a similar subreddit with some more female representation? The norm is that guys are the ones who do the chasing and girls should just wait to be pursued. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd even go so far to say that in most cases guys don't even need to be seduced because they'll rarely say no to a girl, provided she's decently attractive. Anyway, bottom line is, I'm intrigued by the game now but I don't really know how a female's methodical approach should look since I've always just relied on my instincts.
Enter older man #2, who is the one to initiate and I find it to be the perfect opportunity for some experimentation. As J put it, the goal is to "toy with him" and see how far he'd take it. However, the situation is slightly complicated by some sticky details.
Not only did I meet this guy through work, but he's also related to one of Boss's colleagues. He's also old enough to be my young father...kind of like the first guy who tried. But the difference with this guy is, he was one of the more attractive people at the event at which we met. It may be why I didn't immediately reject his advances the moment I detected flirtation...who doesn't like getting their egos stroked once in a while?
This may very well end up being one of my many bad decisions, but it's been pretty entertaining so far. (Obviously that trumps all else.) Except I think I blew it by being too detached. I guess he went out on a limb to put the ball in my court but all I did was pass it back to him. He didn't take too well to that as he ended the conversation right after he got my response. LOL. And damn it, that shit bothers me. I wonder if that's part of the female reaction or if it's just the Scarlet reaction.
On the bright side, at least my march into professional suicide has been slowed...for the time being.
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