Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tonight was pretty darn successful. A friend and I went out to the Pasadena and San Marino areas with my little cousin to go candy-grubbing. Aside from getting stared at awkwardly while half-expectantly waiting for candy that wasn't going to come, my first time trick-or-treating was quite fun :) Not only did we end up with more spoils than I anticipated, but there were also other "big kids" out there shamelessly knocking on doors and asking for chocolate. I don't know what possessed me to dwell on this thought all night...but I kept wondering whether anyone thought my friend and I were a lesbian couple who was taking our adopted child out for some festivities.

Just when we were finishing up for the night and heading back to the car with little cousin sandwiched safely between us, BAM! Weird man offers us candy on a dark, deserted street.

He was wearing red horns and walking in our direction, dropping a low, creepy "hello" as he passed. We said nothing and kept on our way, but the paranoia in me flared to life and I turned my head to make sure he wouldn't follow us. My heart began to race when I saw him stop, turn around and head back in our direction. He seemed to pick up his pace but thankfully walked ahead of us before proceeding to ask us some questions, the last of which was something along the lines of, "I have some candy to get rid of. Do you guys want it?" My friend said, "Suuuuure..." but backtracked after I gave her a panic-stricken look. We told him we already had enough candy and quickly made our escape.

I would've felt better about accepting if he hadn't sounded so damn creepy.

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